Thursday, October 12, 2006

Turkey Bowl 2006

So I'm gimped--hopefully not for long. I was drafted into a great team and they had me play both QB and reciever (yeah, figure that out). Then on Defence, I knew I was our only chance of not surrendering another point. I ran as fast as my rubber legs could take me, and diving, one hand swept accross the darting ball carrier's shirt, the second could not follow and I ended up a smaller man, piled on the turf, writhing in agony as I attempted to roll my arm back in place, but to no avail. We did however, win the 2006 Turkey Bowl at the Rotary Stadium, Abbotsford BC. Thanks to all my fans. I tore the Acromioclavicular Ligament right off--yeah--But I think that sounds more painful than it was. I was expecting a shoulder separation, and that's worse, so this is just like a 2nd degree tear--I should get my use back with physio (look at at ) So that was my Thanks giving "most exciting" moment. I also had two wonderful dinner at the Tait's and the Toews's. Alright, peace to all!
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